Parta Games
Based in Suonenjoki, Finland
Founding date:
Press / Business contact:
Noodle Road
Go Go Meatball
Choppa Rescue Rivals
Dyna Knight
Herralantie 1B
77600 Suonenjoki
+358 44 559 82 63
Parta Games is a Finnish independent game studio making organic friendly neighborhood video games.
This is Parta!Parta Games was founded in 2015 by Antti Kolehmainen and Ville Herranen, after both of them left their respective and respectable day jobs. They're childhood friends sharing the love and a similar vision for video games and have been dreaming of doing this for a living since the last century (Has it been that long..?) They were building Go! Go! Meatball from the ground up a couple of years while having day jobs and conquered innumerable life difficulties and the harsh reality of creating a complete video game product. Finally - after all kinds of hurdles and blessings - they were ready to take the leap and start up the company!
Choppa: Rescue Rivals Gamescom 2021 Trailer YouTube
Choppa Steam trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Parta Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
Selected Articles
- "'Dyna Knight' is an Endless Runner With Perhaps Too Many Bombs
- Carter Dotson, Toucharcade - "Choppa channels the essence of rescuing people in Choplifter and blends it with procedurally
generated levels filled with tricky obstacles.
- Jared Nelson, Toucharcade - "Save people and make 'Predator' references in Soft Launched 'Choppa'"
- Carter Dotson, Toucharcade - "A charming Nintendo style platformer, fans of 16-bit sidescrollers will want to give it a look."
- Craig Forshey, Super Game Droid - "The Go! Go! Meatball launch trailer is too much epicness to handle!"
- Romain Baret, Arctic Startup
Additional Links
YouTuber/Streamer monetization permission generator
Generate permission at partagames.com.
Press Release February 15, 2017
Press Release available at partagames.com.
Press Release August 30, 2016
Press Release available at partagames.com.
Press Release April 21, 2016
Press Release available at partagames.com.
Press Release April 11, 2016
Press Release available at partagames.com.
Press Release March 9, 2016
Press Release available at dl.dropboxusercontent.com.
Parta Games Profile on The Square
Profile available at northlandsquare.com.
Antti Kolehmainen on Twitter
Personal twitter of Antti Kolehmainen (@AnttiKole) available at twitter.com.
Antti Kolehmainen on LinkedIn
Personal LinkedIn profile of Antti Kolehmainen available at fi.linkedin.com.
Ville Herranen on Twitter
Personal twitter of Ville Herranen (@metavile) available at twitter.com.
Ville Herranen on LinkedIn
Personal LinkedIn profile of Ville Herranen available at fi.linkedin.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Antti Kolehmainen
Ville Herranen
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks